Associazione Nazionale Allevatori della Razza Frisona, Bruna e Jersey Italiana

Rules of the Genetic Center

All subjects of the Frisian Italian breed to be included in the FA for the progeny tests must pass through the Genetic Center and have the genetic and sanitary characteristics foreseen by the following regulation. Depending on the new health regulations introduced with resolutions subsequent to the drafting of the Rules of the Genetic Center (approved with Del. N. 150 of 15/01/1997), the updated text of the aforementioned Regulation is the following:

    To be admitted to the genetic center, bulls must have a genomic index, included in the best 2% of the population for the official ANAFI selection index.
    The genetic indices in force at the time of admission will be considered valid, except for exceptional variations, also for the qualification exiting the Genetic Center.
    A cow cannot have more than three offspring of the same bull per calendar year.


    The breeding of origin must be registered in the herd book.
    He must use the seed of bulls in progeny test in the percentage established by the Central Technical Commission.

    • REQUEST: anyone who intends to send a young bull to the Genetic Center must make a written request.
      The number of young bulls imported or born from ET imported for each F.A. Center may not exceed 25% of the bulls placed in the F.A. Center in the previous year.
      Exceptions are allowed for each Center up to a maximum of 15% per calendar year of the bulls placed in the Center the previous year.
    • PRE-ENTRANCE VISIT: for accepted young bulls, a company visit may be carried out by a veterinarian appointed by the Genetic Center who will operate in accordance with the directives issued by the responsible veterinarian of the Genetic Center itself.
      During the visit, the veterinarian, in addition to the planned clinical examination, can take a blood sample for tests established by the health program.
      Qualora vengano rilevati fatti clinici o anomalie incompatibili con la carriera riproduttiva, il torello non sarà ammesso. I soggetti devono essere decornati.
    • ENTRY TO THE GENETIC CENTER: the arrival must take place in the space of two consecutive days. The calendar will be published every six months. The entry of the young bulls is fixed between 4 and 12 months of age.
      Upon arrival, the veterinarian will examine the health documentation and perform the clinical visit of the subjects on the vehicle (authorized to transport cattle / previously washed and disinfected).
      The young bulls must be in acceptable hygienic conditions, be effectively decorned, not show physical anomalies (such as umbilical hernia, limb problems). The young bulls will come weighed. The weight must be at least equal to or higher than the average of the subjects of the same age decreased by a standard deviation.
      If the weight is lower, the bull will not be admitted to the Center.
    • STABLE INSULATION: upon arrival the young bulls will be sent to an isolation barn where they will stay in a group for at least 30 days. At the end of the quarantine they will be transferred to the Genetic Center.
    • STAY AL C.G.: the permanence of the young bulls in the genetic center is foreseen approximately in ca. 105 days
    • DAILY FEE: the daily fee covers the expenses for all the services provided: food, checks, health care and insurance.
      Son the basis of the average cost of managing young bulls and taking into account, for young bulls born in Italy, the contribution of the Ministry of Agricultural Resources, the quota per young bull is set annually.
      Payment must be made upon entry.
    • INSURANCE: the Italian Friesian National Breeders Association will conclude an insurance contract for each subject for a fixed ceiling, including any related costs health interventions, which ensures the following risks, limited to the period of stay at the Genetic Center: death or forced killing for accidents and common or contagious diseases. How long the guarantee covers common or contagious diseases, the guarantee is subject to the checks that the National Association will carry out at the quarantine barn.
      Refunds will be deducted from the insurance premium, medical costs and any incidental costs.
      The young bull who returns to the company loses all rights to insurance refunds.
    • ASCERENCE ASSESSMENT: the young bulls must have confirmation of the exact paternity and maternity by means of an officially recognized test.
    • K CASEIN: the genotype for milk proteins is determined for each subject.
    • UNDESIRABLE GENETIC VARIANTS: if in the ancestry of a young bull there are subjects with undesirable genetic variants, the young bull will be tested and, if the bearer, excluded from the Genetic Center.
    • GENOMIC ANALYSIS the bull must have a genomic analysis with at least 50,000 markers.
    • BREEDING: must be in possession of the health model, officially free of tuberculosis, brucellosis and leukosis under the control of the competent USSL official veterinarian, countersigned by the service manager. The documentation must accompany the young bull at the time of entry.
    • BULLOCK: must be submitted in the 28 days prior to the introduction into the quarantine premises, and therefore be accompanied by the following official health documentation:
      • virological BVD test with negative results
      • intradermotuberculinization with negative results
      • negative serological test for Enzootic Bovine Leukosis
      • negative serological test for Brucellosis
      • negative serological test for BHV1 virus (IBR IPV) with the Elisa method and with the method Seroneutralisation
      • negative IBR test within 60 days of life with ELISA and SN method (recommended within 30 days of life)
      • ELISA test for paratuberculosis to the mother of the calf (to the cow that gave birth to it)
      • come from a farm where contagious diseases are not in progress and not subject to veterinary police measures
      • do not show symptoms of infectious skin diseases (mange-ringworm-papillomatosis)
      • do not show clinical signs of disease on the day of loading
      • reach the Genetic Center by authorized means, washed and disinfected.
      During the period of isolation and during the stay at the Genetic Center, the subject will be subjected to the checks required by the health regulations:
      • intradermal
      • serological test for Brucellosis
      • negative serological test for Enzootic Bovine Leukosis
      • serological test for the BHV1 virus (IBR-IPV) with the gB ELISA method and with the Seroneutralization method
      • BVD virological and serological test
      • culture test for Compilobacter Faetus on preputial washing sample
      • microscopic examination for Trichomonas Fetus
      • chemoprophylaxis for leptospirosis.
      • virological test and serology for BLUE TONGUE (bluetongue)
      Serological tests for Leucosis, Brucellosis and IBR (only with ELISA method) are repeated after 21 days.
      Serological tests for the BVD virus must be carried out compulsory, at the entry and exit of young bulls from the CG.
      If a young bull changes from seronegative to seropositive before leaving the CG, all subjects in the group cannot be sent to the target CFAs, before the serological status of the negative subjects has stabilized, this is to avoid that a subject in phase viremic may infect subjects during seed production, seed that could be infectious.
      The subject who is positive, with the exception of the serological BVD, even in only one of the tests provided, must be immediately removed from the Genetic Center and sent to the slaughterhouse.
Young bulls from areas of restriction for blue tongues outside the winter window period, who have passed through authorized quarantine stalls, must comply with the following protocol in order to reduce the health risk deriving from the introduction of subjects from these areas.
  • ELISA serological and virological negative test for calves within 28 days prior to entry to the Genetic Center.
  • serological and virological tests to be performed after arrival in the pre-isolation room.
  • total exclusion of acceptance in the most risky months (from June to September depending on the temperatures detected).
  • the transport (moment of maximum risk due to the possibility of coming into contact with many vector insects) must be carried out in accordance with the procedures provided for by the current Guidelines and with the adoption of precise biosecurity characteristics:
    • the young bull must be thoroughly washed and treated with a suitable insecticide
    • before departure, an additional insecticide treatment must be carried out during transport, in particular if a stop is made.