Associazione Nazionale Allevatori della Razza Frisona, Bruna e Jersey Italiana


The ANAFIJ is a non-profit association by statute. Its institutional activities are: the selective process of the breed, the promotion, enhancement and dissemination of the Italian Frisona breed and the Jersey breed.

The Association was founded in 1945 under the name of "Breeders Association of Italian Pezzata Nera breed cattle "with the tasks of performing functional checks and keeping the National Herd Book.

Later, in 1957 it became ANAFI National Association of Italian Friesian Breed.

Has the task, assigned by the then Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, to manage the "Genealogical Book" of the breed and to promote, through the deliberative activity of the Central Technical Commission of the Herd Book, the selection of the breed itself.

The Genealogical Book, established by Presidential Decree 1290 of 26 May 1959, represents the tool for selection for the purpose of improving the Italian Frisona breed, and has the aim of guiding on a technical level, with par particular with regard to the determination of the genetic qualities of the reproducers, the selection and production activity within the breed, while promoting their economic valorisation. It aims at the conservation of the genetically distinct Friesian Italian bovine breed, defining the criteria for genetic improvement on the technical level.

The statutory bodies of the ANAFIJ:

are organs of the Association, defined by the statute (approved by Decree of the President of the Republic and subsequent amendments):

  • General Assembly;
  • Board of Directors;
  • Executive Board;
  • President;
  • Control Body;
  • Supervisory Body;
  • Arbitrators;

All the technical decisions concerning the selection are decided by the Central Technical Commissions of the Frisona and Jersey breeds which are composed of representatives of the Ministries (Agriculture and Health), Regional Officials, Representatives of the research world as well as by Breeders indicated by the Board of Directors .

A fundamental requirement for an animal to participate in the national selection program is its registration in the Herd Book of the Frisian and Italian Jersey race

Membership of the Herd Book by breeders is voluntary.

They can be part of the Association:

  • Breeders, single or associated, as long as they breed at least 10 large animals regularly enrolled in the National Herd Book of the Italian Friesian breed or at least 5 large animals regularly enrolled in the Jersey Herd Book, determined in accordance with the equivalent table provided for in Article 8 of the Statute;
  • Cooperatives and Organizations whose purpose is the exploitation of the results of the selective activity of the Friesian and Jersey race which do not carry out selection and genetic improvement activities.
  • Provincial federations related to the Frisona and Jersey race located in the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano in consideration of the provisions of the current legislation on animal reproduction. These federations are recognized as the unitary representation within the ANA of breeders, individual and associated to the same associated within the ANA.

The Genealogical Book contains all the data of the Functional Controls (population, reproductive and productive) and morphological, concerning the subjects registered that represent the controlled animal population.