Associazione Nazionale Allevatori della Razza Frisona, Bruna e Jersey Italiana

Type Classification in Italy

The Holstein Association (ANAFIJ) is responsible for classification program in Italy.

All the farms registered in the Herd Book are visited every six months, and all first lactation cows on the farm are evaluated on those occasions.

  1. All cows subject to milk controls in Italy are registered in the Herd Book;
  2. All cows must be evaluated at first lactation ;
  3. All daughters of progeny tested bulls as well as all first lactation cows are evaluated on registered farms.
  4. Evaluation every three months on request

Evaluation system

The objectives of type classification are the genetic evaluation of sires for Type and the attribution to each animal of a phenotypic value for conformation. In this way, top subjects can be evaluated and their commercial value increased by means of type scores.

Correlations between conformation and functional longevity represent one of the strongest reason for type selection. Therefore, if we want to fix priorities, we have to account for findings which have stressed the importance of giving different weights to the different traits. The evaluation sheet is expressed from 50 to 100 points; each individual character is judged according to a linear scale from 1 to 50. The highest score a first lactation cow can be assigned is 88 points. Cows with fewer than 70 points cannot be registered in the Herd Book. Breeders may ask for a new evaluation. First lactation cows cannot be evaluated outside ordinary work-shifts.

Activity of Breed Classifiers

Breed classifiers are technicians specialised in assisting breeders for preparing selection plans.In their area of competence classifiers have to:

  1. Evaluate all first lactation cows (about 14.000/year).
  2. Reclassify the most distinguished cows in perfect physical condition.
  3. Discuss the genetic situation of a farm and carry out Anafij’s mating plans.
  4. Advise breeders on animals to register at shows or to be photographed.

ANAFIJ is in charge of selection, training, upgrading and control.

6 month of training.


8 meetings a year are held which also include field activities. Evaluations carried out during the meeting are analysed by means of a computerised program which controls averages and standard deviations.


The work of each classifier is analysed by visiting farms where evaluation was carried out some days before. If any problems are detected, classifiers will be invited to go out together with the person in charge who, within his routine evaluation activity.

Definition of Linear Traits